What would be your dream modeling job?
A worldwide fragrance campaign, shot on my home beach in Börgerende.
Let’s make a movie of your life: Which actor would play the main role and why?
A hybrid of the young Jim Carrey and Christoph Waltz. Jim Carrey with his looks and the crazyness and Christoph Waltz the smug wearing an opaque mask.
What do we find in your fridge?
In the freezer: Berries, vegetables, spinach or kale, Tupperware jars with randomly frozen dishes.
Fridge: Tofu, pastes of any kind (curry pastes, miso pastes …) oat milk, eggs, parmesan, butter, ginger, vegetable broth, fruit, vegetables, jam, chocolate, protein bars, soy yoghurt and always a little something from the Isemarkt or some new products, I discovered in the supermarket. I just recently found a frozen cauliflower-based pizza base – low carb and delicious 😉
What are you famous for with friends and family?
As “the model”, with enthusiasm for cooking. Especially the annual „Pizzabash“, that I invite all my friends to and where I serve finest, home-made Neapolitan pizza.
If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
Robin Hood-style, in one fell swoop redistributing money all over the world FAIRLY, WITHOUT creating a vacuum or a collapse anywhere.
What compliment were you most pleased with?
„You’re even more beautiful inside, than from the outside“ – sounds like a calendar saying at first, but in the context in which the sentence was mentioned, it really touched me. In general I am always very happy, when people tell me that I inspired them to want to improve things in their life. It is like a positive feedback for your own „path“ that you are treading and it motivates me to remain curious, to learn and to work on my happiness.
Is there something you’ve been dreaming of for a long time, but never dared to do it?
Dying my hair platinum blonde or skipping the cold German winter abroad. At least for the latter, the chances are not bad at all.
What message in your next fortune cookie would you like to believe?
„With love it’s like Candy Crush – at some point it’ll work!“
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Would like to live in: Germany
Favorite color: As a kid it was green – nowadays I don´t really have one anymore
Strict about: I wouldn’t go out for dinner, if I had food in the fridge that would turn bad
Addicted to: Clash Royale & coffee, on the couch with crossed legs, right after getting up
Childhood hero: The posters on the wall of my teenage room say: Sido
I would overdraw my account for: In the past for all kinds of stuff – now for fixed costs
Early bird or Night owl: Mostly a little early bird but sometimes a wannabe nightowl
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