Karin Kalla

Q & A

How do you keep yourself fit?

I’m generally very sporty and like to exercise. I used to do everything, from soccer and volleyball to swimming and dancing with great enthusiasm. I currently go to the gym 2-3 times a week. I would also like to start Pilates soon. I have made a firm commitment to that.
As we have two golden retrievers, we are getting some extra exercise anyway. I get my daily 10,000 steps together very quickly. I play and laugh a lot with the dogs, which also keeps me fit! I also often leave the car behind and prefer to walk or get on my bike.

What is your greatest strength?

I have great inner calm and composure. Nothing can get me out of control so quickly. There can be chaos all around me, but I still remain calm, relaxed and focused. And I’m in a good mood anyway.

What do others think of you that isn’t true?

Others probably think that I always eat 100% healthy and well. That is true. Good, healthy food is very important to me and my family, but I also sometimes turn a blind eye and enjoy potato chips, salty liquorice or champagne!

How did you get into modeling? By chance or on purpose?

I used to model during my school days and during my studies. Later in my job and with my family, my life had other priorities. It all started again when my daughter was approached by a model scout abroad and I came into contact with the industry again. Before corona, I decided not to re-dye the roots of my dark brown hair anymore and so my very dark hair became salt and pepper and silver. I applied to Modelwerk, was called just one day later and got accepted. It all happened really quickly and I have no regrets and am very proud.

What dream have you not been able to fulfill yet?

One day I would like to splash around in the water with swimming pigs from the Bahamas and have lots of fun. I’m going to plan that in the medium term …

Which designer could equip you for the rest of your life?

I would be thrilled if Celine, Chloé and Boss, among others, would equip me.


Zodiac sign: Aquarius

High Heels or Sneaker: Sneaker

I look up to: … people who are smart and determined in pursuing their goals and at the same time appear relaxed and empathetic to the outside world. A prominent example would be Michelle Obama.

Favorite holiday destination: Dubai

Book or movie: Book

This movie always makes me cry: Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

Favorite designer brand: Celine, Chloé, Bottega Veneta

Summer or winter: Summer

Karin Kalla on:

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